Make an impact through the act of giving

We have helped thousands of individuals to increase income and reduce their taxes. We serve our friends by offering ways for them to be the good stewards for the resources given them. We offer this site to assist you with planning so that your values will extend to future generations.

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The Revocable T.O.D. Deed

The Revocable T.O.D. Deed
Dorothy and her son Russ decided they wanted to give their home to Hope Channel.

Russ: Mother and I were not sure of the best way to accomplish the transfer and still provide for our needs. While watching Hope Channel one day, I saw the Planned Giving number 888-339-PLAN (7526) on the screen and called.

Dorothy: My son explained to Dr. Navarro that we wanted to live out our days in this home and we wanted a simple, economical way to accomplish the transfer.

During the conversation they learned that a Transfer On Death (T.O.D.) Deed was not only simple and economical, it was easy and Revocable.

Russ: The deed was prepared, signed and recorded in less than 3 weeks!

Mother & Son: The joy for us is that our earthly home will provide the means for telling everyone about their heavenly home with Jesus.

To find out if your state allows the Revocable T.O.D. Deed, call 888-339-PLAN (7526) today.

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